About Me

Personal Details

Here's some more info about me.

My Experience

I had no idea where my life was going in the beginning of 2019, after finishing my higher education. I was only interested in Computer Science, so I learned about all of its branches, and AI piqued my interest, and I began to watch some interesting TED talks about AI, which inspired me to learn more about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science, as well as the tech industry.

I am a Bachelor's Degree student in Computer Science with (AI and ML) at Annamalai University, where I have increased my aim of being a Data Scientist by learning numerous maths-intutions such as statistics, probability, and the tools that make me a Data Scientist. I've also used my understanding of machine learning engineering to create intelligent technologies that improve the consumer experience.

Throughout my studies, I have also completed some internships to gather knowledge on what it is like to work in an organisation as a Data Scientist, as well as generated many self-made projects and projects under the supervision of my professors.

As a result, I have extensive experience in developing machine learning solutions, with which I can design a full Data Science project from data scraping through deployment. So, the fundamental project flow will be data collection, data cleaning, data transformation, model selection and hyperparameter tuning, and ultimately model evaluation and deployment.

To complete all of the tasks listed above, I use a variety of tools, including Python, MYSQL, Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn, Open-CV, Tensorflow, Git, Power-BI, Flask, and Streamlit.

I'm interested in developing modular machine learning apps that aid in the optimisation of consumer enquiries. My ideal future employment would be in data science, machine learning engineering, or devops. A machine learning professional with the ability to deploy a model to production.